
One Day Moving & Handling Course / Positive Risk Taking in Health & Social Care (Half Day Course)

There is still time to book on the following two training courses taking place at Disability North in March 2018.

One Day Moving & Handling Course

This One Day Moving & Handling of People Course is aimed at those working within the Health & Social Care Sectors as a general introduction or update on the safer principles of handling and use of handling equipment and the associated importance of risk assessment and duty of care.

To find out more please click on the following link: One Day Moving & Handling Course.

Positive Risk Taking in Health & Social Care (Half Day Course)

Risk, it’s a challenging word and subject to discuss and manage within Health and Social Care environments.  This half day course to explore the professional attitudes towards risk in relationship to patients and service users and how we as professionals look at risk as a positive development in promoting independence of those in receipt of care and those providing it.

To find out more please click on the following link: Positive Risk Taking in Health & Social Care.